Software IRC – Incubation Remote Control

This soft­ware is no longer main­tained and can only be used with the old PeCon con­troller series with a RS232 interface
(see sec­tion Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty below)!


  • Record all vital para­me­ters (tem­per­a­ture and CO2-con­cen­tra­tion) of your incu­ba­tion experiments
  • Record all avail­able set­point val­ues and sta­tus dis­plays of the incu­ba­tion devices (e.g. ven­ti­la­tion, CO2 reg­u­la­tion, over­heat events)
  • Change set­point val­ues (incu­ba­tion con­di­tions) via the computer
  • Plot all vital para­me­ters into a dia­gram with free selec­tion of drawn val­ues, color and time scale
  • Dif­fer­ent sys­tem configurations/setups can be saved
  • Script pro­gram­ming for all con­trol­lable device set­points for an user inde­pen­dent dynam­i­cal change of incu­ba­tion con­di­tions dur­ing the exper­i­ment (e.g. increase spec­i­men tem­per­a­ture 60 min. after the start of the exper­i­ment up to 40°C and decrease it back to 37°C after 120 min.)
  • Add notes to your record­ings for exper­i­ment identification
  • Save all record­ed data for later evaluation
  • Print out dia­gram, script and project notes for your records
  • Get actu­al device data and con­trol devices from other pro­grams via DDE
  • Export dia­gram as bitmap for fur­ther processing
  • Export device data to a csv-file for exter­nal pro­cess­ing with other programs
  • Simul­ta­ne­ous con­trol of many dif­fer­ent incu­ba­tion devices
  • No inter­fer­ence with other soft­ware (e.g. imag­ing software)


  • IBM-compatible PC with at least 500MHz and 64MB RAM
  • Microsoft Win­dows 98, NT4.0, 2000 or XP with lat­est ser­vice packs
    (Users report: also run­ning under Win­dows 7 x86/x64)
  • Microsoft.NET-Framework Run­time Installation

Compatibility (only old controller series)

  • Tem­p­con­trol 37-2 digital
  • CTI-Controller 3700 digital
  • CO2-Con­troller


Sup­ports 32 COM ports.
Dou­ble click with admin­is­tra­tive rights for installation.

Due to the oblig­a­tory strict installer check to .NET ver­sion 1.1 an instal­la­tion on high­er .NET ver­sions was not pos­si­ble, although IRC runs fine with .NET Ver­sion 4. Since .NET ver­sion 1.1 can­not be installed on x64 Win­dows sys­tems this installer check has been removed com­plete­ly. Please make sure that at least .NET ver­sion 1.1 is installed before run­ning IRC.

Unzip and start “Setup.exe” for installation.
Please use sup­plied “IRC File Con­vert­er” to open V1.x.x files.

Can be used for test­ing the pro­gram or for demon­stra­tion with­out hav­ing real devices avail­able. Not nec­es­sary for nor­mal pro­gram operation.