Incubation System cellVivo

The cellVivo Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem is a mod­u­lar and flex­i­ble incu­ba­tion sys­tem that covers every require­ment in the cul­ti­va­tion and obser­va­tion of liv­ing cells. It is fully adapt­able for basic and high-end invert­ed micro­scopes IX73 and IX83.

The mod­u­lar Sys­tem enables users to build a sys­tem accord­ing to their needs. Its inno­v­a­tive workflow-optimising design pro­vides pre­cise and user-friendly con­trol for even the most sen­si­tive sam­ples. The range of mod­ules avail­able makes it easy to build sys­tems from very basic solu­tions for tem­per­a­ture con­trol only with sim­ple trans­par­ent hous­ings, up to pre­mi­um high-end pro­ducts with advanced hous­ings and sophis­ti­cat­ed envi­ron­men­tal con­trol. Fur­ther flex­i­bil­i­ty is pro­vid­ed by the var­i­ous enclo­sure types and mod­ules, which can even pro­vide advanced laser-safe dark­room capabilities.

The per­for­mance fea­tures of all com­po­nents are well coor­di­nat­ed. From sim­ple heat­ing or cool­ing through to com­plex incu­ba­tion solu­tions, the Evi­dent cellVivo sys­tem com­bines max­i­mum pre­ci­sion with com­plete sys­tem integration.

The upgrade­able incu­ba­tion sys­tem divides the incu­ba­tion para­me­ters into sep­a­rate modules:

Option­al: Tem­per­a­ture control:

Intel­li­gent cellVivo soft­ware enables easy set-up and ensures con­tin­u­ous mon­i­tor­ing of con­di­tions, even remote­ly (incl. the plan­ning of dynam­ic experiments).

Large cellVivo incu­ba­tors and a vari­ety of PeCon’s heat­ing and cool­ing devices of the Series 2000 are avail­able for the use togeth­er with the dif­fer­ent elec­tri­al units and incu­ba­tors of the cellVivo Incu­ba­tion System.

All devices of the Sys­tem cellVivo are com­pat­i­ble to the devices of PeCon’s Sys­tem 2000 and vice versa.

The cellVivo Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem is exclu­sive­ly avail­able via Evident.

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