
Heating Incubation System XS 2000

Heating Incubation System XS 2000

This small incu­ba­ton sys­tem is made for the sta­ble heat­ing of many dif­fer­ent cell cul­ture ves­sels up to 60°C. It con­sists of a stage-top incu­ba­tor and a heat­ed plate. Three exchange­able Heat­ed Plates are cur­rent­ly avail­able, depend­ing on the cell cul­ture ves­sel used. The sys­tem is spe­cial­ly designed for the use in Piezo stages: It fits into a cut-out of 128 x 86 mm (mul­ti­well plate) and weighs approx. 270 g.
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Incubator DM 6000 CS BLACK

Incubator DM 6000 CS BLACK

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass and equipped with a LED inter­nal illu­mi­na­tion, it is designed for the upright micros­cope Leica DM 6000 CS with SP8. The spa­cious open­ings allow an easy access to the inte­ri­or of the incubator.
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Cooling/Heating Humidity System

Cooling/Heating Humidity System

The Cooling/Heating Humid­i­ty Sys­tem can con­trol the humid­i­ty of the air inside the incu­ba­tion cham­ber up to 95% rH with­out hav­ing trou­ble due to con­den­sa­tion inside the con­nec­tion tube between the humid­i­fy­ing unit and the incu­ba­tion room. Our inno­v­a­tive very flex­i­ble con­troller­less heat­able tube allows this major tech­ni­cal improve­ment. The sys­tem con­sists of a humid­i­fi­ca­tion cham­ber with a temperature-controlled base plate, a screwed-on water tank and a heat­able tube. A vibra­tion damper is part of the sys­tem as an accessory.

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Humidity System 2000

Humidity System 2000

The Humid­i­ty Sys­tem 2000 can con­trol the humid­i­ty of the air inside the incu­ba­tion cham­ber up to 95% rH with­out hav­ing trou­ble due to con­den­sa­tion inside the con­nec­tion tube between the humid­i­fy­ing unit and the incu­ba­tion room. Our inno­v­a­tive very flex­i­ble con­troller­less heat­able tube allows this major tech­ni­cal improve­ment. The sys­tem con­sists of a humid­i­fi­ca­tion cham­ber with a heat­ed base plate, a screwed-on water tank and a heat­able tube. A vibra­tion damper is part of the sys­tem as an accessory.

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Perfusion Set DUAL (open perfusion) for 35 mm Petri Dishes

Perfusion Set DUAL (open perfusion) for 35 mm Petri Dishes

The per­fu­sion set con­sists of a cover with a glass insert and a per­fu­sion ring with lat­er­al open­ings and screws for the canal tubes. It enables per­fu­sion appli­ca­tions with 2 inlets and 2 out­lets and is com­pat­i­ble to a large vari­ety of 35 mm Petri dishes.
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Incubator NL Ti2 BLACK 2000

Incubator NL Ti2 BLACK 2000

This new light-tight incu­ba­tor has been devel­oped for the invert­ed micros­cope Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass the incu­ba­tor enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents and enables a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion. In addi­tion to the famil­iar incu­ba­tion appli­ca­tion, the incu­ba­tor comes with inno­v­a­tive fea­tures: Silicone-sealed open­ings for the cable feed-through, a mov­able lamp sup­port seal­ing, a one-piece tem­per­a­ture sen­sor cable, an inte­ri­or light­ing and a hold­er for the 250 ml Humid­i­fi­ca­tion Bot­tle inside the incubator.
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Control Sensor Tmulti 2000 

Control Sensor Tmulti 2000 

Small-sized con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ments of media in mul­ti­well plates, cham­ber slides, cham­bered cover slides and Petri dish­es. The medi­um tem­per­a­ture can be mea­sured dur­ing incu­ba­tion in cell cul­ture ves­sels with cells or in ref­er­ence ves­sels. The entire sen­sor can be autoclaved.
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Infrared Control Sensor IR V1

Infrared Control Sensor IR V1

The inno­v­a­tive Infrared Con­trol Sen­sor IR V1 is used for non-contact tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ments in dif­fer­ent cell cul­ture ves­sels (glass or plas­tic bot­tom) on the micros­cope. The tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment can be per­formed on invert­ed and upright micro­scopes. The infrared sen­sor is con­trolled by Blue­tooth via the App „PeCon­Tem­p­Con” on the tablet or smartphone.
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Incubator XLmulti S2 DARK

Incubator XLmulti S2 DARK

The light-tight incu­ba­tor for the Axio Observ­er comes with inno­v­a­tive fea­tures: A spa­cious access over the entire front, a mov­able obser­va­tion win­dow, a more com­fort­able han­dling of the lamp sup­port despite mount­ed incu­ba­tor, an easy assem­bly and dis­as­sem­bly due to cable entries in and below the stage, a flex­i­ble adap­ta­tion to dif­fer­ent micros­cope con­fig­u­ra­tions as well as a con­ve­nient inte­riour equip­ment like a humid­i­fi­er bot­tle hold­er and shelves. An addi­tion­al fea­ture is the illu­mi­na­tion of the inte­ri­or which is avail­abe in the vari­ants Stan­dard (on/off) and Pre­mi­um (dim­ma­ble).
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PeCon receives new ISO 9001:2015 standard certification

PeCon receives new ISO 9001:2015 standard certification

In Novem­ber 2018 PeCon suc­cess­ful­ly passed the qual­i­ty audit accord­ing to the new ISO stan­dard, which was pub­lished as ISO 9001:2015 on Sep­tem­ber 23, 2015 and replaces the pre­vi­ous ISO 9001:2008.

PeCon stands for high prod­uct qual­i­ty and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. All of our pro­ducts are “Made in Germany”.

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Quality Management System ISO 9001 established

Quality Management System ISO 9001 established

Since 2018 we have a cer­ti­fied qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001. We see it as our task to con­tin­u­ous­ly mon­i­tor the qual­i­ty of our pro­ducts in order to ensure that our brand name fur­ther on stands for high­est qual­i­ty and cus­tomer satisfaction.

To the certificate

Release of New Homepage

Release of New Homepage

We have released the new ver­sion of our PeCon home­page. In the mod­ern respon­sive design it looks good not only on desk­tops but on all mobile devices. The inno­v­a­tive prod­uct fil­ter helps you to find suit­able pro­ducts for your appli­ca­tions and micros­cope com­po­nents. This fil­ter removes pro­ducts from the list that do not fit to your selection.

Adapter Frame for Universal Mounting Frame KM

Adapter Frame for Universal Mounting Frame KM

Our pop­u­lar pro­ducts Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KM (and Click-In Sys­tem) and CO2-Cover KM are, unfor­tu­nate­ly, not com­pat­i­ble to the Stage attach­ment Z PIEZO WSB 500 from Zeiss. In that case use this “Adapter Frame for Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KM” on top of the Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KM togeth­er with the CO2-Cov­er PM / PM S for local CO2 gassing and humidification.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - BLACK LS

The large mod­u­lar, laser-safe incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass and equipped with laser safe­ty inter­locks and dim­ma­ble dual LED illu­mi­na­tion, it is designed for the Leica DMi8 invert­ed micros­cope. The incu­ba­tor can be arranged indi­vid­u­al­ly for dif­fer­ent micro­scop­ic appli­ca­tions and acces­sories with var­i­ous slide-in modules.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Basic Housing

The large mod­u­lar incu­ba­tor (basic hous­ing plus con­fig­urable door sets and slide-in mod­ules) is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with dim­ma­ble dual LED illu­mi­na­tion, it is designed for the Leica DMi8 invert­ed microscope.
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MODU 2000

MODU 2000

The MODU 2000 Basic Com­po­nent and the user change­able Heat­ed Plates for mul­ti­well plates with 6, 12, 24, 48 or 96 wells with a plane poly­styrene or glass bot­tom heat up spec­i­men up to 60°C. It fits on invert­ed micro­scopes with a scan­ning stage or a mechan­i­cal stage (cut-out 160 x 110 mm). The mul­ti­well plates are heat­ed direct­ly from below with a uni­form heat dis­tri­b­u­tion. Togeth­er with the Incu­ba­tor PM 2000 RBT it is the base for a mul­ti­well stage-top incu­ba­tion system.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 8

The large black incu­ba­tor with trans­par­ent doors is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent acrylic glass doors, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 7

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 6

The large black incu­ba­tor with trans­par­ent doors is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent acrylic glass doors, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 5

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 4

The large black incu­ba­tor with trans­par­ent doors is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent acrylic glass doors, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 3

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 2

The large black incu­ba­tor with trans­par­ent doors is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent acrylic glass doors, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - Variant 1

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass, it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Leica.
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Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 4

Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 4

The large incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent doors it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Evident.
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Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 3

Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 3

The large incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass with trans­par­ent doors it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Evident.
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Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 2

Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 2

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass it is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Evident.
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Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 1

Incubator OL IX73/IX83 cellVivo-3 Variant 1

The large laser-safe incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass it is designed to meet all laser safe­ty require­ments and is designed for invert­ed micro­scopes by Evident.

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Heating Incubation Insert P-Set 2000

Heating Incubation Insert P-Set 2000

This insert is made for the sta­ble heat­ing of many dif­fer­ent cell cul­ture ves­sels up to 60°C. It fits on invert­ed micro­scopes with a scan­ning stage or a mechan­i­cal stage (cut-out 160 x 110 mm). It offers a uni­form heat dis­tri­b­u­tion, a high ther­mal con­duc­tiv­i­ty and is equipped with a heat­ed and slid­able CO2-Cover. Four exchange­able base­plates enable the use of a large num­ber of cell cul­ture sys­tems. Togeth­er with a tem­per­a­ture and a gas con­troller this is a ver­sa­tile stage-top incu­ba­tion system.
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Control Sensor T 2000 sterilizable

Control Sensor T 2000 sterilizable

The Con­trol Sen­sor T 2000 ster­il­iz­able is a small-sized con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ments in “60” Petri dish­es. By means of this sen­sor, the actu­al tem­per­a­ture in the medi­um of the cell cul­ti­va­tion ves­sel can be mea­sured in pre-experiments. The whole sen­sor unit (glass cover, cable with LEMO® plug, Pt100-sensor) can be sterilized.
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Heating Insert M06/12/24/48/96 2000 EC

Heating Insert M06/12/24/48/96 2000 EC

This Heat­ing Insert is avail­able in sev­er­al vari­ants designed for the sta­ble heat­ing of mul­ti­well plates with 6, 12, 24, 48 or 96 wells with a plane poly­styrene or glass bot­tom up to 60°C. It fits on invert­ed micro­scopes with a scan­ning stage or a mechan­i­cal stage (cut-out 160 x 110 mm). The mul­ti­well plates are heat­ed direct­ly from below with a uni­form heat dis­tri­b­u­tion. Togeth­er with the Incu­ba­tor PM 2000 RBT it is the base for a mul­ti­well stage-top incu­ba­tion system.
To the Stage Inserts

CO2-Cover KM Set

CO2-Cover KM Set

The CO2-Cover KM Set fits on the Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KM with var­i­ous insert plates of the Click-In Sys­tem Pre­mi­um on invert­ed micro­scopes. It allows local gassing of cell cul­tures with CO2 and / or reduced O2 and humidification.
Includ­ed are two cover variants:
Vari­ant 1 with a fixed glass,
Vari­ant 2 with slid­able glass plates (e.g. for pipet­ting and micromanipulation)
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for Pecon Heating Inserts

Incubator PM 2000 RBT

The small incu­ba­tor is designed for warm air incu­ba­tion and gassing in com­bi­na­tion with a Heat­ing Insert and is suit­able for high-resolution microscopy. The heat­ed glass of the incu­ba­tor has a translu­cence of about 90% for light in the visu­al wave­length range, warm­ing up the incu­ba­tion cham­ber from the top. The abbre­vi­a­tion RBT stands for Rapid Bal­anced Temper­a­ture. Incu­ba­tor PM 2000 RBT replaces Incu­ba­tor PM 2000 and Incu­ba­tor PM S1.
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Click-In System

Click-In System

The Click-In Sys­tem is a mul­ti­func­tion­al and flex­i­ble Sys­tem of var­i­ous insert plates for the fix­a­tion of dif­fer­ent cell cul­ture ves­sels on xy-stages and scan­ning stages at inverse micro­scopes. The Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KM or the Insert AM serve as base frames.

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PeCon Series 2000 Firmware

PeCon Series 2000 Firmware

Get the lat­est firmware for our Series 2000 devices and com­po­nents to have new fea­tures, bug­fix­es and full com­pat­i­bil­i­ty of all devices with each other.
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CO2-Controller 2000

CO2-Controller 2000

The CO2-Con­troller 2000 is a con­trol unit used for the pressure-less sup­ply of small incu­ba­tors on micro­scopes with a con­trolled CO2 air mix­ture via small gas feed­ing. With the use of cheap tech­ni­cal CO2 a con­trolled gas mix­ture from 0.0-20.0% CO2 can be gen­er­at­ed. A Humid­i­fi­er flask is included.
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CO2-O2-Controller 2000

CO2-O2-Controller 2000

The CO2-O2-Con­troller 2000 is a con­trol unit for the pressure-less sup­ply of small incu­ba­tors on micro­scopes with a con­trolled CO2/O2 air mix­ture via small gas feed­ing. With the use of cheap tech­ni­cal CO2 and N2 a con­trolled gas mix­ture from 0.0-20.0% CO2 and 20.8% - 0.1% O2 can be gen­er­at­ed. Long last­ing zir­co­ni­um based oxy­gen sen­sor. A large Humid­i­fi­er flask is included.
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Incubator NL 2000 for dual level construction

Incubator NL 2000 for dual level construction

Large incu­ba­tor for the invert­ed micros­cope Nikon Eclipse Ti with dual level con­struc­tion for warm air incu­ba­tion and CO2-con­trol. Local CO2-incu­ba­tion can be car­ried out with the CO2-Con­troller in com­bi­na­tion with appro­pri­ate CO2-Covers. The large inter­nal vol­ume allows the use of many dif­fer­ent components.
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Incubator HF 2000 with Heatable Glass

Incubator HF 2000 with Heatable Glass

The Incu­ba­tor HF 2000 is designed to fit onto the Heat­ing Frame 2000 and per­mits a local CO2-and tem­per­a­ture con­trol of Petri dish­es and POC-chamber sys­tems in a com­plete­ly closed envi­ron­ment. The cover has a rec­tan­gu­lar obser­va­tion win­dow with heat­able glass.
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Setup K

Setup K

The Setup K has been devel­oped for per­fu­sion appli­ca­tions in com­bi­na­tion with the
Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KP-Set, the Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame KP-Set lock­able, or the Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame K100-Set. Per­fu­sion tubes and thin cables can be eas­i­ly led into the inte­ri­or of the Setup through six sil­i­cone sealed openings.
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CO2-Cover 100-Set

CO2-Cover 100-Set

The CO2-Cover 100-Set fits on the Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame K100-Set and M100-Set on invert­ed micro­scopes. It per­mits a local CO2-con­trol and humid­i­fi­ca­tion in a com­plete­ly closed envi­ron­ment. Usage in a large incu­ba­tor is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed to pre­vent condensation.
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Universal Mounting Frame K100 protected

Universal Mounting Frame K100 protected

Flex­i­ble device for the fix­a­tion of var­i­ous cul­ti­va­tion ves­sels and T25 flasks on mechan­i­cal and scan­ning stages (open­ing 160x110 mm) at inverse micro­scopes. It has been specif­i­cal­ly designed for the use of large Petri dish­es with a max­i­mum diam­e­ter of 92 mm and can be installed easily.
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Universal Mounting Frame K100 Set

Universal Mounting Frame K100 Set

Uni­ver­sal Mount­ing Frame with 5 base­plates for ‘35’,’60′ and ‘100’ Petri dish­es, POC-Systems, Lab-TekTM and Ibidi Cham­bers. The frame fixes var­i­ous cell cul­ti­va­tion ves­sels on scan­ning and mechan­i­cal stages (open­ing 160x110 mm) on invert­ed micro­scopes and can be installed eas­i­ly. The base­plates togeth­er with the CO2-Cover 100-Set give a closed envi­ron­ment inside a large heat­ed micros­cope incu­ba­tor for local gassing and humidification.
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Heating Insert UP-Set 2000

Heating Insert UP-Set 2000

The Heat­ing Insert UP-Set 2000 is designed for the sta­ble heat­ing of cell cul­ti­va­tion sys­tems on upright micro­scopes above ambi­ent tem­per­a­ture up to 60°C. It can be equipped with a CO2-Cover for local CO2 con­trol and humid­i­fi­ca­tion. Because of its solid design, it has a high tem­per­a­ture con­stan­cy and ther­mal con­duc­tiv­i­ty. Four exchange­able base­plates enable the use of a large num­ber of cell cul­ture systems.
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