ROC Cell Cultivation System

ROC Cell Cultivation System

The ROC Cell Cul­ti­va­tion Sys­tem (Round Open and Closed) has an obser­va­tion area of Ø 29 mm. It is a sys­tem for all micro­scop­ic tech­niques and suit­able for short- and long-term cul­ti­va­tion and obser­va­tion of cell and tis­sue cul­tures. All parts of the ROC cham­ber are made of stain­less steel and can be sterilized.


Improved micro­scopes and dif­fer­ent opti­cal tech­niques now allow high stan­dards in the micro­scop­ic analy­sis of liv­ing cells. Heat­ed micros­cope stages and cli­mate boxes offer the pos­si­bil­i­ty of observ­ing cells and tis­sues under sta­bi­lized tem­per­a­tures. Dif­fer­ent cli­mate boxes are capa­ble of hold­ing the desired tem­per­a­ture and the pH value of the medi­um in which the cells are being cul­tured by a reg­u­la­tion of CO2. In addi­tion, the O2 value can be reg­u­lat­ed under con­di­tions like in vivo.

The ROC Cham­ber Sys­tem meets the demands of dif­fer­ent micro­scop­ic meth­ods in the obser­va­tion and analy­sis of liv­ing cells. It allows both Open and Closed Cul­ti­va­tion and Open Perfusion.

The inserts for Open or Closed Cul­ti­va­tion or for Per­fu­sion are fixed onto a base plate. Open and Closed Cul­ti­va­tion as well as Open Per­fu­sion with 2 input/output canals (includ­ed in the Set) are pos­si­ble. The Open Cul­ti­va­tion Setup allows a rapid entrance to the cells and an easy medi­um exchange.

The ROC Cell Cul­ti­va­tion Sys­tem has a round base­plate and an obser­va­tion area of Ø 29 mm. The vol­ume of the cham­ber is 0.66 - 1.32 ml (closed) and up to 2.5 ml (open). The cells are cul­ti­vat­ed on cov­er­slips with a thick­ness of 0.17 mm (Ø 42 mm).

  • Sys­tem for all micros­cope techniques
  • Suit­able for short- and long-term cultivation
  • Open and closed cul­ti­va­tion as well as open per­fu­sion are pos­si­ble (for open per­fu­sion, an expan­sion set has to be ordered separately)
  • In the case of open cul­ti­va­tion, the cham­ber can be pro­tect­ed from evap­o­ra­tion by a Foil­Cov­er
  • In all ROC appli­ca­tions, the cells can be cul­ti­vat­ed on glass
  • A pre-cultivation of cells on cover glass­es (Schott: 170 µm ± 5 µm, No. 1.5) in Petri dish­es is pos­si­ble; the assem­bling of the ster­ile ROC cham­ber occurs in a lam­i­nar air flow
  • The ROC cham­ber can be heat­ed with­out addi­tion­al adapter in the Heat­ing Frames MH 2000 Series, KH 2000 Series and AH 2000 Series, for the use in com­bi­na­tion with the Heat­ing Insert P 2000, a spe­cif­ic adapter (# 0728.002) is required
  • All parts of the ROC cham­ber can be ster­il­ized by auto­clav­ing (121°C) or by dry heat­ing (165-170°C)

For a bet­ter cell cul­ti­va­tion, the glass­es can be ster­ile­ly coat­ed with Col­la­gen IV, Poly-L-Lysine, Poly-D-Lysine, Fibronectin or others.

For longer obser­va­tions of cell and tis­sue cul­tures under the invert­ed micros­cope, the ROC cham­ber should be placed into a Heat­ing Frame 2000 or Heat­ing Insert P 2000 by PeCon.


Overview ROC System:



External dimensions / material base plate Base plate:  Ø 50 mm x 6 mm / stainless steel
Cultivation Cultivation on glass: Cover slip with a thickness of 0.17 mm (ideal refractive index)
Observation area Ø 29 mm
Objectives High resolution immersion objectives (oil, glycerine, water) can be used.
Cultivation - variable height of the closed chamber Using the closed chamber version, the distance between the upper and lower glass is variable (1 or 2 mm). Cells can be cultivated on both cover slips.
Perfusion - height of the closed chamber In the case of perfusion in the closed version, the inner height of the chamber is 1.5 mm.
Alterable chamber The chamber can be modified between open and closed cultivation as well as perfusion in the open and closed version of the same cells.
Precultivation The cells can be precultivated on cover slips (Ø 42 mm) in Petri dishes (Ø 60 mm).
Microscopes The ROC system can be used on inverse and upright microscopes.
Sterilization Dry sterilization up to 170°C for 2 hours, autoclaving + 121°C.
ROC Cell Cultivation System


  • A large variety of devices for the heating and cooling/heating of cell culture vessels

Compatible PeCon Products:

Most PeCon devices for the heating and cooling/heating of cell culture vessels, e.g.:  

Expansion Set for Open Perfusion:

  • Upgrade for ROC (Open Perfusion)

Application Examples:

Closed Perfusion in the ROC