Incubator NL BLACK 2000

Incubator NL BLACK 2000

The large light-tight incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass it is designed for the invert­ed micros­cope Nikon Eclipse Ti.


  • Large incu­ba­tor for the invert­ed micros­cope Nikon Eclipse Ti with high vol­ume for warm air incu­ba­tion and CO2/O2 control
  • Local CO2 and O2 gassing with the suit­able components
  • Black cas­ing mate­r­i­al for micro­scop­ic tech­niques in which scat­tered light is dis­turb­ing, e.g. flu­o­res­cence microscopy
  • Large inter­nal vol­ume for the use of many dif­fer­ent components
  • For spe­cial appli­ca­tions (e.g. mul­ti­well plates with glass bot­toms) the Incu­ba­tor NL Black 2000 can be oper­at­ed with the Heat­ing Unit alone
  • Two large black slid­ing doors at the front of the incu­ba­tor on the left and right hand side
  • A small­er open­ing with two slid­ing doors that per­mit access to the objec­tives and filters
  • Hatch on the bot­tom left hand side for addi­tion­al access to the incu­ba­tor interior
  • Two slide-in base plates in the left and right hand side pan­els with open­ings for the object guide (sil­i­cone seal)
  • Cables and tub­ing can be rout­ed to the out­side through two slid­ing doors at the rear side of the incu­ba­tor; the lamp sup­port can be swiv­elled back when the incu­ba­tor is mounted
  • The tem­per­a­ture sen­sor can be freely posi­tioned inside the incu­ba­tor to adapt to dif­fer­ent setups
  • Com­pat­i­ble to all condensers
  • Easy and quick assembly


Material acrylic glass (PMMA), black
Valid temperature range 10°C – 50°C
Temperature sensor Pt100
Internal dimensions (WxHxD) 670 x 470 x 360 (mm)
Sliding doors openings, top left and right (WxH) 160 x 160 (mm)
Sliding doors openings, bottom right (LxW) 90 x 110 (mm)
Hatch opening, bottom left (LxW) 125 x 110 (mm)
Sliding door opening, rear panel (LxW) 101 x 155 (mm)
Sliding doors openings, left and right side panel (LxW) 160 x 160 (mm)
Weight (incl. add-on components) approx 8.5 kg
Incubator NL BLACK 2000


  • Nikon Eclipse Ti with mechanical stage or scanning stage
  • Micromanipulator Eppendorf InjectMan
  • Micromanipulator Eppendorf InjectMan NI2
  • Micromanipulator Eppendorf TransferMan
  • Micromanipulator Narishige

Compatible PeCon Products:

A selection of compatible heatable components: Components additionally needed for CO2 and O2 control:

Application Examples: