Universal Mounting Frame M-Duo

Universal Mounting Frame M-Duo

This flex­i­ble frame is designed to simul­ta­ne­ous­ly fix two cul­ture ves­sels on an inverse micros­cope with fixed stage and object guide. This enables the micro­scop­ic con­trolled trans­fer of select­ed cells e.g. from a Petri dish to a slide. 


  • Four smooth run­ning, move­able bridges with a vari­able clamp­ing range for an easy and quick fix­a­tion of the cell cul­ture vessels
  • Spring clips for a firm fit of the cell cul­ture vessels
  • For incu­ba­tion, the use in com­bi­na­tion with a large incu­ba­tor is recommended


Material aluminium, black anodized
Clamping range one clamping area max. 81.0 mm; the other clamping area max. 41.0 mm
Specimen size circular: max. 68 mm rectangular: max. length 81 mm; max. width 27.0 mm
Possible combinations of cell culture vessels - 2 Petri dishes (“35” +“35” or “35”+ “60”) - One Petri dish (“35”) and one object slide - One Petri dish (“35”) and one ROC chamber
Dimensions (LxWxH) 165 x 100 x 8 mm
Weight 100 g
Universal Mounting Frame M-Duo


  • none


  • Fixed stages with object guide on inverse microscopes
Cell cultivation vessels:
  • Petri dish 24 - 68 mm
  • POC-R2 and POCmini-2
  • Object Slide
  • LabTek Chamber Slide
  • LabTek Chambered Coverglass
  • Ibidi Slide

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  • none