Control Sensor Tmulti 2000

Control Sensor Tmulti 2000 

Con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ments of media in mul­ti­well plates, cham­ber slides, cham­bered cover slides and Petri dishes.


  • Small-sized con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ments of media in mul­ti­well plates, cham­ber slides, cham­bered cover slides and Petri dishes
  • The medi­um tem­per­a­ture can be mea­sured dur­ing incu­ba­tion, e.g. to opti­mize the tem­per­a­ture of the heat­ing ele­ments to achieve a cer­tain media temperature
  • The sen­sor can be used in cul­ture ves­sels with cells or in ref­er­ence vessels
  • The Con­trol Sen­sor Tmul­ti 2000 is equipped with a Pt100 sensor.
  • The entire sen­sor can be autoclaved
  • To dis­play the mea­sured tem­per­a­ture, the sen­sor has to be con­nect­ed to a Tem­p­Con­troller 2000 or to the Temp­Mod­ule S using the enclosed adapter cable


Control Sensor Tmulti 2000


  • All PeCon components and electrical units of the series 2000.

Application Examples:

 1. Insert the sensor
 2. Put the cover onto the plate
 3. Attached sensor

 4. Insert the connecting cable of the sensor into the LEMO® coupling of the adapter cable