Incubator i8 - BLACK LS for Leica DMI8 microscope

Incubator i8 - BLACK LS

The large mod­u­lar, laser-safe incu­ba­tor is made for a con­trolled warm air incu­ba­tion and enclos­es the micros­cope, the nose­piece, the objec­tives and fur­ther com­po­nents. Con­struct­ed from black acrylic glass and equipped with laser safe­ty inter­locks, it is designed for the Leica DMi8 invert­ed micros­cope. The incu­ba­tor can be arranged indi­vid­u­al­ly to your require­ments with slide-in mod­ules for dif­fer­ent applications.


  • Large dark incu­ba­tor for Leica micro­scopes of the DMi8 Series
  • Spa­cious inte­riour for the use of many dif­fer­ent components
  • Par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­ed for the broad field of flu­o­res­cence applications
  • Step­less­ly adjustable LED illumination
  • Active laser safe­ty: The lamp sup­port seal­ings and the four slid­ing doors are equipped with laser safe­ty interlocks
  • Pas­sive laser safe­ty: The incu­ba­tor is equipped with a spe­cial laser shield­ing mate­r­i­al on the inner sides which pro­tects from laser radi­a­tion between 350 and 700nm with a power of 300mW and a beam size of 160µm
  • Two large slid­ing doors in the front panel on the left and right hand side and one slid­ing door in each side panel
  • Move­able obser­va­tion win­dow behind the front slid­ing doors; laser oper­a­tions can­not be observed through the win­dow because the front slid­ing doors are secured by laser safe­ty interlocks
  • After open­ing both slid­ing doors at the front, the obser­va­tion win­dow can be com­plete­ly slid­den to the left hand side for a large open­ing in the front panel
  • Open­ings for cables and tubes in the rear panel on the left and right hand side
  • Local CO2 and O2-gassing and air humid­i­fi­ca­tion with the suit­able components
  • The use of fur­ther heat­ed com­po­nents is recommend
  • Quick assem­bly of the incu­ba­tor and easy attach­ment from above

Includ­ed door set:


Door set black LS


The avail­able slide-in mod­ules have to be ordered separately:
Slide-in Mod­ules left

with includ­ed Adapter Plate
Slide-in Mod­ules right
Stan­dard Stan­dard
LSM Stan­dard with door
CSU-W1 Frap / TIRF
+ A
dapter Plate
Frap / TIRF

Laser Safety

Besides the active laser safe­ty by the inter­locks on doors and open­ings, this incu­ba­tor has also supe­ri­or pas­sive laser safety.

Our spe­cial laser shield­ing mate­r­i­al, that is used in this incu­ba­tor, has much bet­ter resis­tance against high power lasers than other mate­ri­als that are used for build­ing laser safe incu­ba­tors, like poly­car­bon­ate. This results in a high degree of safe­ty against fire haz­ard, espe­cial­ly in cases, where the laser has longer time to irra­di­ate the incu­ba­tor sur­face (e.g. overnight experiments).

Here is the result of a com­par­a­tive test of long term laser irra­di­a­tion (7h, 300mW, 532nm, Ø 154µm, beam qual­i­ty 1/e²) against these two materials.

PeCon spe­cial mate­r­i­al (irra­di­a­tion time 7 h = 420 min): Small size, lit­tle sur­face deep­en­ing. No other signs of damage. Poly­car­bon­ate (irra­di­a­tion time 10 min): Flame for­ma­tion, exten­sive melt­ing and burn­ing of the mate­r­i­al. Test inter­rupt­ed to pre­vent ignition.

On top of it: Our mate­r­i­al has a fine black matt satin sur­face fin­ish, thus elim­i­nat­ing reflec­tions inside the incu­ba­tor dur­ing micro­scop­ic cell cul­ture obser­va­tion very effectively.


Material acrylic glass (PMMA), black, special laser safety coating
Valid temperature range 10°C – 50°C
Temperature sensor Pt100
Internal dimensions (WxDxH) 688 x 380 x 230 (mm)
Front sliding door openings (LxW) 150 x 150 (mm)
Lateral sliding door openings (LxW) 200 x 150 (mm)
Weight (incl. add-on components) approx 10.3 kg
Incubator i8 - BLACK LS for Leica DMI8 microscope


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