System 1: Stage-top incubation

System 1: Stage-top incubation

Small micros­cope incu­ba­tion sys­tem con­sist­ing of a stage-top incu­ba­tor, a tem­per­a­ture and a gas con­trol unit.


With this stage-top incu­ba­tion sys­tem, cell and tis­sue cul­tures can be observed under in vitro con­di­tions. The heat­able incu­ba­tion insert offers a sta­ble heat­ing and a uni­form heat dis­tri­b­u­tion with­in the medi­um. Equipped with a heat­able and slid­able CO2-Cover, the cell cul­ture ves­sels can be exchanged eas­i­ly. Laser scan­ning microscopy and elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal exper­i­ments can be car­ried out. Sup­plied with 4 exchange­able base­plates with dif­fer­ent obser­va­tion openings:

Petri dish­es and POC Cell Cul­ti­va­tion Sys­tems, Lab-TekTM cham­bers, object slides, cham­ber slides, Cul­tureS­lides, Ibidi cham­bers as well as Imag­ing Cham­bers can be observed.

The tem­per­a­ture of the cover and the body can be con­trolled sep­a­rate­ly with the Tem­p­Con­troller 2000-2.
For appli­ca­tions where gassing is required, the CO2-Con­troller or the CO2-O2-Con­troller are con­nect­ed to the cover.


Con­nec­tion Dia­gram:

System 1: Stage-top incubation


Incu­ba­tion sys­tem con­sist­ing of:

Tem­per­a­ture and gas con­trol units:

Compatible PeCon Products:

Alternative combination with following incubator: Improved humidification solution: