FoilCover-Set for Lab-TekTM

FoilCover-Set for

The Foil­Cov­er reduces the evap­o­ra­tion of water from nutri­tion media, agar and methylcellulose.


  • Reduc­tion of the evap­o­ra­tion of water from nutri­tion media, agar and methyl­cel­lu­lose in Lab-TekTM chambers
  • Opti­cal­ly clear, it is per­me­able for gasses like CO2, O2, and N2; in con­trast, water mol­e­cules can pass the foil only at high­er tem­per­a­tures and pressure
  • Con­sists of an inter­nal frame, the foil and an exter­nal frame and is easy to assemble


  • Lays direct­ly on the bor­der of the dish
  • After the assem­bly, ster­il­iza­tion can be car­ried out in an auto­clave (+121 °C) or by dry heat (approx. + 165°C)
  • The Foil­Cov­er can­not be used with DIC


Material Teflon® (FEP)
Thickness 25 µm
FoilCover-Set for Lab-TekTM


  • Lab-TekTM chamber


  • see description

Compatible PeCon Products:

Application Examples:

  • see description