Control Sensor T 2000 sterilizable

Control Sensor T 2000 sterilizable

Con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment in “60” Petri dishes.


  • Small-sized con­trol device for local tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment in “60” Petri dishes
  • The actu­al tem­per­a­ture in the medi­um of the cell cul­ture ves­sel can be mea­sured under real­is­tic incu­ba­tion con­di­tions as they exist in later exper­i­ments with­out a con­trol sensor
  • The sen­sor can as well be used dur­ing the incu­ba­tion of cells in the same
    Petri dish
  • The  Pt100 sen­sor has been cast in a small tube of high-quality, inert stain­less steel; the sen­sor con­nect­ing cable is iso­lat­ed with PTFE (Teflon®) on the inside as well as on the outside
  • The whole sen­sor unit can be sterilized
  • For the use of the device, the Tem­p­Con­troller 2000-1 or
    2000-2 is required

Control Sensor T 2000 sterilizable


  • All PeCon components and electrical units of the series 2000.

Application Examples:

Short measurement time: The white area at the tip is completely immerged in the liquid medium Long measurement time: The white area at the tip is above the surface of the liquid medium.