Cooling/Heating Stage narrow for DMI 6000

Cooling/Heating Stage narrow for DMI 6000

This stage enables the cool­ing and heat­ing of cell cul­ture sys­tems on the micros­cope. The object guide and other acces­sories can be attached and a great vari­ety of cul­ture ves­sels can be used.


  • The Cooling/Heating Stage replaces the stan­dard fixed stage and enables the cool­ing and heat­ing of objects on the microscope
  • The object guide and other acces­sories can be attached
  • All con­ven­tion­al­ly used cell cul­ture ves­sels can be used
  • Solid design with a high ther­mal capac­i­ty and a high tem­per­a­ture stability
  • The open­ing for the objec­tive is as small as pos­si­ble to opti­mize the heat transfer
  • Rec­om­mend­ed for elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal exper­i­ments because no dis­turb­ing switch­ing puls­es are emitted


Material aluminium, black anodized
Dimensions 247 x 204 (142) x 20 mm
Weight approx. 2.4 kg
Operating temperature depends on the cooling-heating circulator
Cooling/Heating Stage narrow for DMI 6000


  • Cooling-Heating Cir­cu­la­tor


  • Leica DMI6000 B with an object guide

Compatible PeCon Products:

To hold and move the cell culture vessel, an object guide and an Universal Mounting Frame or Insert are required:

Application Examples: