Object Holder Single

Object Holder Single

The Object Hold­er pro­vides for a ster­ile han­dling of “60” Petri dish­es and slides and pro­tects the cell cul­tures from contamination.


  • Ster­ile han­dling of “60” Petri dish­es and slides and pro­tec­tion of the cell cul­tures from contamination
  • A removal of the cell cul­ture ves­sel dur­ing han­dling, trans­port, micros­cope and medi­um exchange or incu­ba­tion is not neccessary
  • Avail­able in 2 versions
  • Ster­il­iz­able at 121°C in the autoclav

Object Holder Single


  • none


Object Holder Single 1 x Petri dish 60 mm or 1 x object slide
The object holder fits into following Universal Mounting Frames: