Y-Module S

Y-Module S

The Y-Module S is designed for the con­nec­tion of one cooling/heating device with Pt100 sen­sor to two Jula­bo F25-ME Refrigerated/Heating Cir­cu­la­tors with dif­fer­ent bath tem­per­a­tures to achieve a fast tem­per­a­ture change.


  • Designed for the con­nec­tion of one cooling/heating device with Pt100 sen­sor (e.g. Cooling/Heating Insert P S) to two Jula­bo F25-ME Refrigerated/Heating Cir­cu­la­tors with dif­fer­ent bath tem­per­a­tures to achieve a fast tem­per­a­ture change
  • The fast tem­per­a­ture change is obtained by switch­ing the bath fluid cir­cuit through the cooling/heating device from one cir­cu­la­tor to the other
  • With exter­nal con­trol setup of the Jula­bo F25-ME cir­cu­la­tors, the actu­al tem­per­a­ture of the device can be con­trolled, elim­i­nat­ing tem­per­a­ture off­sets orig­i­nat­ing from the tubing
  • All tube con­nec­tions are self-sealing, thus pre­vent­ing bath fluid leak­age when the tubes are disconnected
  • The mod­ule is oper­at­ed exclu­sive­ly with an exter­nal user inter­face (PC-Software Zeiss ZEN / Axio­vi­sion (V4.6 or high­er) or TFT dis­play at the micros­cope) and has no dis­play or input panel
  • The two Jula­bo F25-ME cir­cu­la­tors can be fully con­trolled with the exter­nal user inter­face; the Y-Module S con­verts the CAN com­mands to the two RS232 ports
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the exter­nal con­trol unit is car­ried out via CAN (micros­cope or Temp­Mod­ule S); an option­al USB/CAN con­vert­er box from Carl Zeiss allows a direct con­nec­tion to a PC


AC operating voltage AC 100 - 240 V, 50...60 Hz
Power consumption max. 24 W
Bath fluid temperature range 0 up to 60°C
Bath fluid pressure max. 0.7 bar
RS232 Interface Settings for Julabo circulator Connection Baudrate   4800 Bauds Parity   even Handshake   Hardware
Dimensions (WxHxD) 313 x 85.5 x 301 mm
Weight approx. 4.5 kg
Operating temperature + 5°C up to + 40°C
Rel. humidity max. 80 %, non-condensing
Altitude max. 2000 m above sea level
Overvoltage category 2
Pollution degree 2
Protection class I
Y-Module S


  • Jula­bo F25-ME


  • all devices of the Zeiss Series S (and the PeCon Series 2000)

Application Examples: