Incubation System S

The Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem S for the Axio Observ­er (A1m/D1m/Z1m) is a com­plete, inte­grat­ed sys­tem for incu­ba­tion that covers every require­ment in the cul­ti­va­tion and obser­va­tion of liv­ing cells.

The per­for­mance fea­tures of all com­po­nents are well coor­di­nat­ed. From sim­ple heat­ing or cool­ing to com­plex incu­ba­tion solu­tions, the Carl Zeiss sys­tem com­bines max­i­mum pre­ci­sion with com­plete sys­tem integration.

The cor­rect tem­per­a­ture, a reduc­tion of evap­o­ra­tion, a cor­rect pH-value and phys­i­o­log­i­cal O2-con­cen­tra­tions are the para­me­ters that are essen­tial for cre­at­ing an envi­ron­ment that comes as close as pos­si­ble to the con­di­tions of a liv­ing organism.

The upgrade­able incu­ba­tion sys­tem divides the incu­ba­tion para­me­ters into sep­a­rate modules:

An inno­v­a­tive con­nec­tor sys­tem between the mod­ules allows upgrades with­out addi­tion­al tub­ing and cables. The stacked mod­ules are sup­plied with power (24 VDC) and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sig­nals from the Temp­Mod­ule S via a sys­tem bus. Inte­grat­ed air sock­ets route the incu­ba­tion air through the mod­ules. The sys­tem offers a com­plete inte­gra­tion of the incu­ba­tion into micros­cope oper­a­tion with Zeiss Axio­vi­sion 4.6 (incl. plan­ning of dynam­ic exper­i­ments) or TFT dis­play at the Axio Observ­er Z1.


The Heat­ing Unit XL S sup­plies the large incu­ba­tors with heat­ed air.

Option­al: Tem­per­a­ture Control:

A vari­ety of PeCon’s heat­ing and cool­ing devices and incu­ba­tors is avail­able for the use togeth­er with the dif­fer­ent modules.

All devices of the Sys­tem S are com­pat­i­ble to the devices of PeCon’s Sys­tem 2000 and vice versa.


The Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem S is exclu­sive­ly avail­able via Carls Zeiss.

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Zeiss brochure Cells Need the Per­fect Climate