CO2-O2-Controller 2000 cellVivo design

CO2-O2-Controller 2000 cellVivo design

CO2-O2 con­trol device to achieve a sta­ble, con­trolled increase of the CO2 and a decrease of the O2 con­cen­tra­tion with­in PeCon incu­ba­tors and CO2-Covers. The CO2-O2-Con­troller 2000 cellVivo design can be used with all devices of the Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem cellVivo or Incu­ba­tion Sys­tem 2000.


  • CO2-O2 con­trol device for the gen­er­a­tion of a defined CO2  and O2 con­cen­tra­tion and a sub­se­quent pressure-less sup­ply of incu­ba­tors and CO2-Covers
  • CO2 com­ing from a CO2 gas cylin­der is added to the ambi­ent air
  • A built-in CO2 sen­sor per­ma­nent­ly mon­i­tors the CO2 con­cen­tra­tion in the air stream and reports the value to the con­trol unit which oper­ates a pro­por­tion­al valve and reg­u­lates the amount of CO2 added to the air flow
  • Nitro­gen com­ing from a N2 gas cylin­der is added to the ambi­ent air in order to decrease the amount of oxy­gen (O2)
  • A built-in O2 sen­sor per­ma­nent­ly mea­sures the O2 con­cen­tra­tion of the efflu­ent gas mix and reports the value to the con­trol unit which oper­ates a pro­por­tion­al valve and reg­u­lates the amount of nitro­gen which is added to the air flow
  • A pump con­trolled by the con­trol unit pumps in ambi­ent air into the com­bined meter­ing cham­ber of the gas mea­sur­ing sen­sors in addi­tion to the con­trolled gas inflow of CO2 and N2. No need for pres­sur­ized air supply!
  • A Humid­i­fi­ca­tion Bot­tle (500 ml) is includ­ed in all PeCon oxy­gen reduc­ing con­trollers, com­pen­sat­ing the strong dry­ing effect of the added gas
  • Rec­om­mend­ed range for the CO2 set­point value from 0.0 Vol-% up to 20.0 Vol-%: Res­o­lu­tion of the CO2 dis­play: 0.1 Vol-% Res­o­lu­tion of the inter­nal CO2 loop con­trol: 0.01 Vol-%
  • Rec­om­mend­ed range for the O2 set­point value from 0.0 Vol-% up to 21.0 Vol-%: Res­o­lu­tion of the O2 dis­play: 0.1 Vol-% Res­o­lu­tion of the inter­nal O2 loop con­trol: 0.01 Vol-%
  • The com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a win­dows PC is car­ried out via the USB con­nec­tion which per­mits an easy updat­ing of the firmware


Operating voltage 90 - 260 V AC, 50...60 Hz
Power consumption max. 50 W
Mains fuse 250 V 4AT(H)
CO2 supply 1-2 bar (15-30 psi); max. 2.5 bar (36 psi) technical CO2, purity 99 %
CO2 display range 0.0 up to 100.0 Vol-% resolution 0.1 Vol-%
CO2 loop control range (setpoint) 0.0 up to 20.0 Vol-%
CO2 loop control accuracy typ. ± 2 % of setpoint value (e.g.: 5.0 ± 0.1 Vol-%) internal resolution 0.01 Vol-%
Heat-up Phase of CO2 sensor approx. 15-30 min
N2 supply 1-2 bar (~15-30 psi); max. 2.5 bar (~36 psi) technical N2, purity >99%
O2 display range
O2 loop control (setpoint)
O2 loop control accuracy
Heat-up phase of O2 sensor
Outlet for gas mixture
Dimensions (WxHxD) 190 x 130 x 255 mm
Weight approx. 5.25 kg
Operating temperature + 5°C up to + 40°C
Rel. humidity max. 80 %, non-condensing
Altitude max. 2000 m above sea level
Overvoltage category 2
Pollution degree 2
Protection class I
CO2-O2-Controller 2000 cellVivo design


  • none


Application Examples: